The portfolio of
Analytical Coder :
Webdev Enthusiast :
Inquisitive Learner :
UI Creator :

A front end developer with an eye for design, UX and UI development and a strong desire to learn and create. I have an urge to create software, multimedia production and web projects keeping an eye on usability, accessability and functionality.

I firmly believe in life long learning and I'm constantly exploring new ideas and technologies. MOOC's have enabled me to update my skills and keep abreast of the latest trends in design and coding.

My interests are wide. Professionally worked in different aspects of technology. Masters degree in Management of Information Systems. Certification in Software Testing and now embarked upon my journey as a web developer


These items are mainly exercises done whilst undertaking a Front-end development course with Free Code Camp. The details are on the back of the cards with links to my CodePen.
